Real Estate in Michigan is far from “dead”, what is dead is most of the spirit that my colleagues used to have about what we do and how we help people. I’m tired of the Debbie Downers. I’m tired of the crying about lost commissions due to “market conditions” and I’m sad that it seems to have been so easy for so long that no one can remember what it was like to dig your heels in and “gitterdone”.
Yesterday I heard “No one is building anything anymore,” really? We are. David Bos Homes just finished new models at both Highfield located in South Haven and Briarwood Crossings in Spring Lake, we are building two amazing homes on Lake Michigan in South Haven, both over 5000 square feet and starting on a 3000 square foot home in a gated community there in the next 30 days. Check out the new home going up on North Shore in Grand Haven, its beautiful and the owners couldn’t be more pleased with their timing of “the market”. I can hear it now “Well, I don’t have “million dollar” buyers”, okay, then check out the $200,000 homes that we are currently building in Hidden Creek—or the incredibly well designed cottage we are doing in South Haven—-or the brand new one story with a full walkout going in at Briarwood Crossings in Spring Lake.
Now is great time to buy. Mortgage rates are low, inventory is good and opportunity is everywhere. And if you aren’t in the market at least take away the fact that there is nothing good that comes out of saying “I can’t”, “It’s too hard” or “Nothing is working”……….really? It’s working here and the only difference is we believe that “Thoughts are things” just like Norman Vincent Peale said:
“The person who sends out positive thoughts activates the world around him positively and draws back to himself positive results”
What have you got to lose? Change your thinking and you just might change your circumstances. Change your circumstances and you are on the road to changing your life.